
The Friends of McLean Park and House is celebrating 40 years as a non profit organization whose purpose is to aid and assist the city of West Linn in the historic preservation of the house and grounds for the benefit of the community.

Activities the Friends carry out include caring for the house and grounds, sharing the history of the home and the memory of Doctor McLean’s significant contributions to the community, and facilitating use of the property for a variety of events, public and private, so the community can enjoy this amazing place.

Sources of Funds

The Friends raise funds for the house and grounds through private events, grants, a themed public event, donations, and membership dues.

2020 Financial Results


Revenue       $27,499
Expenditures       $33,743
Board Designated       $30,000
Available for 2021       $13,291

2020 Accomplishments

2020 was a challenging year for the whole world, and McLean House was no exception.  The house was closed for most of the year, and even when open technically, most private events were cancelled because our clients were rightly concerned for the health of their friends and family.  

And yet, the house continued to be well cared for and improved upon. The city upgraded the first floor bath and added a wheelchair friendly ramp to meet ADA compliance.  Federal grants under the CARES act helped support operations, and we were able to retain our amazing manager through those difficult times.  Volunteers got busy with an architectural concept for a covered pavilion, and presented this to the city of West Linn.  Another group of volunteers, led by our board member and retired landscape architect revitalized the formal gardens.